Holidays in 2020

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With all that is going on in the world the holidays, and all the fanfare it entails has taken a break in my house. I myself celebrate Christmas. I did not put out any lights this year, or buy a tree. Neither have many of my neighbors. I haven’t seen as many festive displays as in all the past years. The stores are full of decorations but there are not many shoppers.

In reality I am not missing it much. Things are much simpler. As in a bygone era where the most important thing was family. Gifts were handmade sweaters, Christmas cookies, and oranges.

On this day I have many things to be grateful for. My son and his wife who are both on the front lines working as doctor and PA in the hospital emergency room have both been fortunate to have stayed healthy throughout the pandemic. My first grandchild Claire was brought into our world on August 25, 2020. There are many families who have not been so fortunate. My heart goes to all of you.

This year I will have a Zoom dinner with my daughter and her husband on Christmas day.

I realize I don’t need the fanfare of the parties and lights. It’s the simple things that make life worth living.

Wishing all of you and yours a blessed holiday as we look forward to 2021.



WE’VE RE-Opened in Florida!

People have slowly started coming back for treatments after being closed for 7 weeks. Although there are some who aren’t ready to return quite yet as they are in the high risk group for contracting the virus, I am taking a few extra precautions.

Each client must arrive wearing a mask and wait outside before entering. Taking temperatures at the door, providing hand sanitizer as you enter. Masks with every client, changed to a fresh one for each and every one. Sanitizing all surfaces as before with medical grade disinfectant, including my phone! Spraying Lysol throughout the room between each appointment.

I hope to see all of my clients return soon! Believe me when I say I have OUR best interest at heart!
