Permanent hair removal for athletes

Many types of athletes could benefit from permanent hair removal. Swimming is one of the sports most commonly associated with hair removal. They usually remove hair from their entire body, as the smoother skin surface allows them to glide more easily through the water; even gaining the fraction of a second could mean coming first in place. Being hair-free also makes wearing swimsuits and other tight uniforms more comfortable to wear. 

Cyclists have also noted improved healing of wounds. In many sports such as this one, it’s common to fall and experience road rash or other cuts on areas with a lot of hair growth, including legs and arms. During scabbing, the scrapes can clump hair together, causing discomfort as individual hairs from the surrounding area are tugged.

Permanent hair removal options: 

Laser: Certain lasers can claim to be “permanent hair reduction,” but not quite total hair removal by the FDA’s standards. On good candidates, the hair reduction can be 80 to 90 percent. Depending on your goals, skin/hair contrast, and if you’re willing to supplement hair removal with ongoing light shaving, this may be a good option for you. 

Electrolysis: This is the only method approved by the FDA as “permanent hair removal.” However, each area will take slightly longer to treat than with the laser, since each individual follicle is treated by the technician. 

If you’d like to learn more about the process and a personalized suggestion based on your hair, skin type, and area, I’d be more than happy to advise. Let’s schedule a meeting at a my Boca Raton office.