Redheads + Laser = A BIG NO NO!

To Laser or Not to Laser that is the question…

To Laser or Not to Laser that is the question…

Every time I get a call from a prospective client who is inquiring about electrolysis and then proceeds to ask me, or tell me their experience about laser hair removal… the first thing I ask them is “What color is your hair?”

When they tell me their hair is red I tell them about the inefficacy of laser hair removal on red hair. It boggles my mind when the individual will say that they have been going to laser treatments for years with red hair. Of course they have been going for years…it doesn’t work on red hair. Shame on the laser techs who continue to do this for the money!

Here is the simple explanation…

Laser hair removal works by a “red” beam that is attracted to the pigment below the surface of the skin. When this beam reaches the dark pigmented hair below the surface it burns it. Unlike electrolysis which targets the tissue and blood supply within the follicle destroying by desiccation, and coagulation, any damage done to the follicle itself is collateral damage. The same goes for white hair. Laser does not work for this. Why you ask? Simply because it has no pigment.

This is why the FDA does not allow laser hair removal to be classified as permanent. They may only advertise as “hair reduction”. It is possible for hair that has been treated with a laser to grow back. So don’t be surprised if it does. It does not grow back on everyone but it is possible.

ONLY Electrolysis is classified by the FDA as PERMANENT hair removal.

Another sad thing I saw recently is a client who said she had been burned by the laser the day before. Upon examination of her arm and skin I saw long thin red burn marks. Upon closer examination I saw there were still some long hairs on her arm. I asked her if she had shaved before her laser treatment. She told me no. (insert face palm here). She had been going to this “laser” place for 3 yrs. I explained to her that the reason you shave before a laser treatment is that the laser is again “attracted to pigment” . If you do not shave first the laser will burn all of the hair that is on the surface. This is why the long red burn marks. Each hair that burned burned her skin.

I am an advocate for laser in certain situations. For large parts of the body like legs, back, arms, underarms if your hair is very dark go for it. I have reputable people I can send you to. I NEVER recommend laser for red heads, the face, or white hair.

If someone tells you they can laser these types of hair…..RUN!


WE’VE RE-Opened in Florida!

People have slowly started coming back for treatments after being closed for 7 weeks. Although there are some who aren’t ready to return quite yet as they are in the high risk group for contracting the virus, I am taking a few extra precautions.

Each client must arrive wearing a mask and wait outside before entering. Taking temperatures at the door, providing hand sanitizer as you enter. Masks with every client, changed to a fresh one for each and every one. Sanitizing all surfaces as before with medical grade disinfectant, including my phone! Spraying Lysol throughout the room between each appointment.

I hope to see all of my clients return soon! Believe me when I say I have OUR best interest at heart!


Electrolysis + Perseverance = RESULTS


Everyone is always looking for the quick fix. 

Hmmm is there ever really a quick fix when it comes to beauty?  We deep condition our hair but one time is not enough. We go under the knife to turn back the hands of aging yet one time does not last a lifetime. Five to ten years later you'll want to give a little nip tuck again.  We inject Botox and fillers and these too must be repeated every six months to a year. 

When it comes to Electrolysis one treatment is generally not enough.

Conversation in the treatment room with a client in their early 60's:

Client: "I was searching the internet...I'm so tired of tweezing. Is it really permanent?"
Me:"yes, how long have you had this facial hair growth?"
Client: "it started when I was in my 20's."
Me: "How often do you tweeze?"
Client: "Daily.  How many treatments will it take?"
Me: "Every individual is different.  There are a lot of factors involved. The growth did not happen overnight, we won't get rid of it overnight..."

From here the conversation continues as to the  specifics of the process and typically their first treatment. 

New clients tend to be distraught when they enter the office. Having dealt with facial hair growth for nearly half their life or longer. From here I proceed to explain the process of Electrolysis and the truth that it may take many visits to complete. If they are willing to commit and stay on a schedule yes they will begin to see the results, but it will take perseverance and a commitment on their part. It's quite gratifying to see a client as we progress come in and be able to either shorten their appointment time or extend the time between visits. Even more so when a client calls to say :  "Hi it's ______ I just wanted to say happy holidays and let you know I haven't been in because I haven't needed to come because you did such a good job and the hair is gone..."

There is nothing more gratifying to an Electrologists than to see a client who has committed to the process and received the results of permanent hair removal.

So to answer the question:

"Yes It's Permanent"