How can an Electrologist say this


I’ve had two new clients come to me recently. Both suffer from excess facial hair growth that makes them self conscious. They both told me they had gone to another electrologist who told them they had “too much hair” for them to work on. “Ummm oookkkk.” It baffles me why an electrologist would say this. They have hair that is causing them all kinds of emotional stress. This is the type of client that I love! I’d like to say “WE” love but apparently “WE” are not all created equal. This is what we learn electrolysis for. To help those women who need our help. Another client had hair on her abdomen as well as a tattoo in that area. Another electrologist told her she needed laser hair removal and to have her tattoo removed first (because you can’t do laser hair removal over a tattoo). This poor girl went through all the laser tattoo removal and they could not remove the entire tattoo and so in the long run laser hair removal was still not an option. If you’re looking for a permanent solution… Electrolysis is the only FDA Approved Method of Permanent Hair Removal. If you go to an electrologist and they tell you CRAZY things you don’t think are right… do yourself a favor and get a second opinion from another electrologist. WE are not all created equal.