Myth or Fact: Face-Shaving for Women

Women have been shaving their faces for many decades now. Some of history’s most beautiful women, including Marilyn Monroe, have been known to take part in this procedure. However, there are still myths floating around that would deter a woman from shaving her face. 

Fact or Myth?

MYTH: The peach fuzz on your face will grow back thicker after shaving. This theory started going around because after people shave, they feel the stubby regrowth of the hair and incorrectly assumed that the hair was thicker. When a hair grows from the root, it will have a slightly pointed tip, which makes it feel finer to the touch. However, when you shave the hair and cut it at the base, it creates a blunt end that is the same thickness from root to tip. Thus, the shaved hair feels thicker.

FACT: Face shaving works as a form of exfoliation. There’s actually a name for this, it’s called dermaplanning. Some dermatologists may even prefer this to exfoliating with a scrub, since it actually removes deep layers of dead skin cells, instead of just moving them around. 

FACT: It makes your skin appear more radiant. The combination of exfoliation and hair removal will allow products to penetrate deeper, this includes creams and makeup. Also, the removal of dead skin cells will encourage new cell growth, which is responsible for the nice glow you notice after exfoliation. 

MYTH: The hair will grow back darker after shaving. People have falsely come to this conclusion because the hair that has grown back isn’t sun-bleached yet. 

FACT: You can get ingrown hairs on your face from shaving. Ingrown hairs are less likely to be a problem with thinner, straight hair, but it’s always a possibility. 

So now that you know what’s a rumor and what’s factual, are you more likely to try face shaving? Maybe you would like to consider permanent hair removal options, such as laser hair removal or electrolysis? If you’d like to learn more about your options, lets schedule a free consultation in my Boca Raton hair removal office.

Folliculitis on Dark Skin


Folliculitis can happen on all skin types, but is most prevalent in dark, African-American skin. Mild cases are often referred to as razor bumps and can be treated at home with basic self-care methods, such as keeping the area clean and using some type of over-the-counter antibacterial cream. 

Due to the coarseness of African-American hair and skin texture combination, the razor bumps can have a much higher occurrence. If the folliculitis becomes infected it can cause permanent scarring to the affected area. Additionally, infection can spread if not medically treated.

In order to avoid future occurrences of folliculitis, people will often seek permanent hair removal methods; as this is the only way to prevent ingrown hairs 100 percent. Contrary to popular belief, laser hair removal has come a long way and it can be performed on dark skin. However, it needs to be administered by a skilled technician, since there are specific machines that should be used and the technician must be very comfortable with the proper settings to use. If done incorrectly it can cause hyper pigmentation and scarring in the treated areas. 

Alternative to laser hair removal for dark skin: 

If you’re considering permanent hair removal on an area that is highly visible, such as the face, neck, or armpits, you may not be completely comfortable with the risk of hyper pigmentation and scarring. If that’s the case, there is an alternative: electrolysis. 

Electrolysis works quite differently from laser hair removal, as it allows the technician to treat each hair individually. Thus you’re not relying on the machine to find the hair follicles, but rather a human eye. The risk of scarring when done by a skilled technician is much lower than with laser treatments. 

Do you have more questions about permanent hair removal on dark skin? I’m an experienced and certified, laser and electrolysis technician in Boca. I would love to answer any questions.

How to Recognize and Prevent Ingrown Hairs


Ingrown hairs aren’t a serious health concern, but they can be annoying and sometimes leave scars. In certain circumstances they can also become infected and you may need a doctor to remove the hair and prescribe antibiotics. In men, the most common area to develop ingrown hairs are the face and neck, due to constant shaving combined with the coarse hair growth. Women often experience problems in the bikini area and armpits. 

Often, ingrown hairs will look like irritated, red bumps. Sometimes you are able to see the actual hair under the skin’s surface, other times the hair may be deeper under the skin. If it has become infected, you will probably notice some pus in the bump and it may cause discomfort. They may appear as a single bump or as many tiny bumps in a small area. When you have many of these tiny bumps they can also be itchy and uncomfortable. 

The only true solution to ingrown hairs is permanent hair removal, such as electrolysis. However, there are steps, provided by webmd, that  you can take to prevent ingrown hairs: 

  • Exfoliate prior to shaving. Removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin will prevent pores from clogging and leaving hairs trapped below the surface. 
  • Shave with a sharp, single-blade razor. The additional blades on razors give a closer shave, but a closer shave promotes ingrown hair growth. 
  • Use warm water and shaving cream when shaving. 
  • Rinse the blade with water after every stroke. 
  • Apply a cool washcloth to the area after shaving to reduce irritation and swelling.

We left out some of the tips that included leaving stubble and not shaving too closely because we know that people are often looking for that smooth shave. If ingrown hairs, particularly with infections, are a recurring problem for you, then we should set up a free consultation to discuss electrolysis as a treatment option for your problem areas.

Electrolysis During Pregnancy


Electrolysis treatment during pregnancy may become a concern for a couple of reasons. The first may be that you began the treatment prior to becoming pregnant and you still have a few more sessions remaining for the completion of treatment. Second may be that you are pregnant and have noticed excessive hair growth. 

We’ll address both of these separately: 

Continuing treatment during pregnancy - There hasn’t been a lot research done with regards to the effect of electrolysis on pregnancy. However, this system has been around for over a 100 years and there hasn’t been any correlations between pregnancy complications and electrolysis, which means that risk is very low. The only caution I might express is for anyone treating their nipples, since the area is very sensitive, particularly if breastfeeding. 

Treating new hair growth during pregnancy - You may start noticing excessive hair growth during pregnancy that wasn’t there before. Don’t be alarmed, it’s quite normal due to the flux of hormones. For this particular instance, my recommendation is to wait until after the pregnancy since most, if not all, of the hair usually disappears on it’s own after the baby arrives. In the meantime it is okay to shave the hair. As an Electrologist we never condone tweezing! Contrary to popular belief, shaving facial hair will not cause it to grow out thicker and there are razors that are specially made for women to remove facial hair. 

If you have additional concerns about hair removal during pregnancy that were not addressed in this post, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below or to contact me privately for a free consultation.

Permanent Hair Removal of Facial Hair for Men


Permanent hair removal methods are generally targeted towards women, but men are just as concerned with being well-groomed. If anything, men with facial hair might spend more time grooming on a daily basis than women. 

Beards are currently very popular, but beard maintenance requires precise shaving and contouring. The process is very time consuming, considering the amount of care that must be taken to properly shave the neck and cheeks while trying to cause minimal irritation. 

Permanent hair removal would increase comfort, since many men experience irritation and itching in the neck area when hair begins to regrow. The discomfort is amplified by the warm climate and humidity in Boca Raton. The cheeks are also prone to ingrown hairs from repeated shaving, which could be another cause of discomfort. 

Electrolysis is the optimal choice for hair removal that requires precision. The added benefit is that it is effective on all types of hair and skin, regardless of coarseness or texture. This means that it can be used in any area surrounding the face, including: ears, eyebrows, cheeks, and neck.

Basically, if there is any area that you find yourself repeatedly shaving or tweezing, you should consider permanently removing the hair from that area. At first it will require an investment of time and money, but it will be well worth it for a lifetime of not having to worry about these areas. It will mean more mornings of hitting the snooze button just one more time and knowing that you will still look presentable at the office.

If you would like to discuss electrolysis for your facial hair, let’s schedule an appointment in my Boca Raton office.

Pros and Cons of Electrolysis


If you’re considering hair removal options, you probably want to know everything about electrolysis before deciding if this is the method for you. To help guide you through the decision, I want to provide you with an unbiased breakdown for the pros and cons of this hair removal system.


Electrolysis is permanent - Once treatment is complete, you can rest assured knowing that hair removal investment will never fail. 

No more ingrown hairs - Many people suffer from ingrown hair caused from hair removal treatments, but with this treatment you will never have to worry about it again. 

Electrolysis is FDA approved - Actually, it is the only method approved by the FDA as a permanent hair removal method. Electrolysis delivers consistent results and can be applied with acute precision, since each hair is zapped manually by the technician. 

It works on everyone - Unlike laser hair removal, this system doesn’t rely on picking up the pigmentation of the hair for accuracy. As stated above, each hair is targeted by the technician, providing consistent results regardless of hair color and texture, or skin color and texture. 


Time consuming - Since each hair is zapped individually by the technician, the amount of time any given area will take depends on the size and density of the hair. For example, the upper lip can take no more than 30 minutes per session. 

Electrolysis can discolor skin - It’s rare, but if the hair isn’t hit precisely, it can cause hyperpigmentation to the surrounding skin. The damage is minor and depends on the skin reaction of each individual. Also, damage can be mitigated by a highly skilled technician, as well as the use of sunscreen.

The process can be uncomfortable – Tolerance and sensitivity is different for each individual, as such opinions on whether it is more uncomfortable than laser treatments seems to vary. However, if you are more sensitive than others, you can always discuss the use of topical anesthetics with your technician. 

A key factor in your experience with this treatment will be the technician you work with. Meet with the technician prior to beginning treatment and discuss his or her training, certifications and experience. If you’re in Boca Raton and would like to meet for a free hair removal  consultation, feel free to send me a message and we’ll schedule a meeting right away

Temporary and Permanent Summer Hair Removal Tips


Summer is right around the corner, in Boca Raton that means spending plenty of time at the beach. The main concern women have during this time of the year is keeping hair in check. Methods of hair management vary from temporary at-home methods, temporary methods at a local salon, to permanent treatments done by a professional.

Regardless of the method you find the most appealing, I’d like to offer a few tips on maintaining your skin's radiance during these crucial months: 

  • If shaving, do it after taking a warm shower. The shower causes blood vessels to dilate and the skin to plump, which results in exposure of the entire base of the hair follicle, thus achieving a closer shave.
  • Use shaving cream to moisturize. This is good for two reason: First, is that it softens the hair allowing the blade to cut it more easily. Second, is that it works to moisturize the skin combatting dryness from frequent shaving. 
  • Follow the hair removal with an astringent after shaving, depilation, or waxing. Astringents cause very slight swelling around the pores, preventing the hair from poking back into the skin. 
  • Use sunscreen on the area where you recently had treatment. It’s true that you should use it all the time, but areas that have recently had any hair removal will be particularly sensitive and vulnerable to sun damage. 

Unsightly hair is something that many women spend their lives fighting against, particularly in Boca Raton where the sun is always shining and every day seems perfect for soaking in the sun. I became a hair removal specialist to help fellow women with their needs. If you would like to discuss permanent hair removal solutions, please contact me.

Medical Reasons for Excess Hair Growth in Women


If you’ve ever wondered why you have an over-abundance of hair on your body in comparison to your friends, you should know it may be your hormones that are responsible.

Some women face the issue of more body hair than the ‘average woman.’ In most cases, the excess hair may appear as an excess of fine dark hair on the abdomen, chest, back, and/or chin or upper lip. This hair may be more visible when the skin is fair. Over time these hairs may become course and more dense. It’s only natural that a woman would want to rid herself of this excess hair. Excess hair can cause a woman to experience low self-esteem and psychological pain. Every human being produces both male and female hormones. Men have lower levels of female hormones; women have fewer male hormones. When a woman produces excess amounts of free circulating androgens (male hormones), excess hair may be more abundant. The medical term for the appearance of male pattern hair growth is called hirsutism. Hirsutism can run in the family so if a close female relative has hirsutism, then it is more likely for the women in the family to develop it as well.

There are medical conditions, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which can very often be responsible for a woman’s excess of hair. Women with PCOS and women with other hormonal conditions may have other symptoms associated with the disorder as well. Acne, irregular menstruation, and excess body weight are all symptoms related to hormonal issues and may be seen in conjunction with increased hair growth. If you are dealing with excess hair, no hormonal imbalances in medical tests, and no other symptoms, you should be aware that in rare cases the causes may never be diagnosed.

If you never had excess hair problems and you suddenly notice an excess amount of hair appearing on your face and/or body, you should consult with your doctor.

Electrolysis is a permanent solution to remove the unwanted excess hair. Rest assured, after a series of visits to your Electrologist you will start to see some significant results and best of all—you’ll feel better about yourself!

If you are interested in consulting with me regarding a course of treatment and electrolysis services, please contact me at

The Process of Electrolysis is as Individual as You Are


Hair grows in CYCLES that do not coincide with one another. This cycle is a constant growing and shedding of all hair on your body. 

Excess hair growth on a woman’s face usually begins with a few coarse hairs on the chin or upper lip.  Some women will never have hair growth increase , while other women will advance over time.  The length of time necessary to complete electrolysis treatments depends entirely on how much hair Mother Nature has destined for you to grow.  One person can be finished with treatments in 6 to 9 months while another person can require 18 months or longer.

If You are Tweezing

  When a hair is pulled out by the root, four things can occur:

  1. The hair enlarges over time to become coarser (larger in diameter).
  2. The hair breaks off to become ingrown or to appear again within a day or so.
  3. Remnants of the root sheath remain in the skin and cause a pimple.
  4. The electrologist cannot see the hair until it reappears several weeks to several months later causing you to believe that it’s “regrowth” of a previously TREATED hair.  (It is NOT a previously treated hair.)

All tweezing and other mechanical epilation such as threading and waxing must stop in order to have efficient electrolysis.

The Desire to Remove Body Hair...

Electrolysis-Woman Shaving

Rebecca Herzig’s delightful history of hair removal in America helps explain why: smooth skin is a cultural imperative.

There is no finer example of this than the reaction of the bearded Europeans to the smooth skin of the male and female native Americans they saw when they arrived on their shores.   Read about it by clicking the link below

Depilation- Hair Erasing

Are you spending too much time in the shower shaving?


Today I’m going to “break it down” for you number crunchers!! What exactly is shaving costing you? Time? Money? YOUR SANITY??

So here we go..

Let us assume that you started shaving at 13 years old and you will continue shaving until you are 60. You shave 4 times a week, spending about 15 minutes shaving each time.

That’s 47 years of shaving. Yikes.

That’s 9,776 times that you will shave in your life. Oh my.

That’s 102 days spent shaving over a lifetime. That’s a quarter of a year!

Now if you spend $20 on razors each month (that’s 3 razors a month) and you shave from 13 years old to 60 years old, you’ll have spent $8880! And I know a large portion of women use a new razor each shave.. so this is a low estimate for a lot of you!

The Good News...Electrolysis is PERMANENT, and will save you time and $$.